Наш файл Excel использует внешние данные для связи с нашим сервером базы данных. Недавно наша компания изменила и перенесла наш сервер базы данных на новый сервер.
Все файлы Excel не удалось подключиться к базе данных из-за отсутствия старого имени сервера. Поэтому мне нужно открыть файл excel и изменить имя сервера строки подключения со старого на новое. Но есть более сотни Excel, которым нужно изменить строку подключения, поэтому я начинаю думать об использовании VB .NET для создания программы для массового изменения строки подключения Excel.
Это возможно? Это может сэкономить мое время, чтобы изменить файл Excel один за другим.
Это довольно распространено, и существует существующий код, который вы сможете изменить в соответствии со своими потребностями:
Кстати, вы будете использовать Excel VBA, а не VB .Net.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim conn As WorkbookConnection
Dim sOldConnection As String, sNewConnection As String
Dim sOldPath As String
Dim sNewPath As String
Dim sLength As Integer
Dim sOldPath1 As String
Dim intDsnLen As Integer
Dim intDsnStart As Integer
Dim intDsnEnd As Integer
'I first check if there is a folder called "Analysis" as this is what we generally use to store our analysis tools.
If InStr(1, Application.ThisWorkbook.Path, "Analysis") > 0 Then
'I then remove that from the path that I require
sLength = Len(Application.ThisWorkbook.Path) - 9
'I set the new path to the workbook path minus the analysis folder and the "\"
sNewPath = Left(Application.ThisWorkbook.Path, sLength)
'If the folder doesn't exist, I then set the new part to the excel workbooks path
sLength = Len(Application.ThisWorkbook.Path)
sNewPath = Left(Application.ThisWorkbook.Path, sLength)
End If
For Each conn In ActiveWorkbook.Connections
With conn
If .Type = xlConnectionTypeODBC Then
sOldConnection = .ODBCConnection.Connection
'I used these steps to find my specific connection string....not the best way to use it but I was getting
'a bit irritated with the fact that instr doesn't remove all that I don't require.
'In my case, this will always work...may not for others but you can always play around to find your best fit.
intDsnStart = InStr(1, sOldConnection, "DBQ") + 3
intDsnEnd = InStr(intDsnStart, sOldConnection, "Reports.MDB")
intDsnLen = intDsnEnd - intDsnStart
'I get my old path in my old connection..I need this specifically as I want to replace it
sOldPath = Mid(sOldConnection, intDsnStart + 1, intDsnLen - 2)
'Here, I replace the old path with the new path, irrespective of whether it is the same or not in my new connection
sNewConnection = Replace(sOldConnection, _
sOldPath, sNewPath, Compare:=vbTextCompare)
'I set the odbc connection to my new built connection and then refresh
.ODBCConnection.Connection = sNewConnection
End If
End With
Next conn
Set conn = Nothing
Код взят отсюда:
Мне нужно поблагодарить @GoodJuJu за совет использовать Excel VBA. Но функция не очень мне нужна.
Поэтому я потратил 1 день на исследования, чтобы создать собственную функцию.
Эта функция может заменить всю строку подключения Excel в папке и подпапках.
Ниже кода я скопировал функцию папки поиска с веб-сайта ExcelOffTheGrid
Просто измените «targetName» и «cvtFrom» и «cvtTo» в функции connStrReplacer(). Пример: моему соединению нужно изменить «ServerName» с SERVER01 на SERVER02. Итак, targetName = "ServerName", cvtFrom = "SERVER01.1583", cvtTo = "SERVER02.1583".
Надеюсь, это может помочь другим, которым также нужна такая функция.
DSN=GLOBAL_TST;ServerName=SERVER01.1583;UID=Master;ArrayFetchOn=1;ArrayBufferSize=8;TransportHint=TCP:SPX;DBQ=GLOBALTST;ClientVersion=;CodePageConvert=1252;PvClientEncoding=CP1252;PvServerEncoding=CP12 52; AutoDoubleQuote=0;
Public count As Integer
'Copied Source from https://exceloffthegrid.com/vba-code-loop-files-folder-sub-folders/
Sub loopAllSubFolderSelectStartDirectory()
Dim FSOLibrary As FileSystemObject
Dim FSOFolder As Object
Dim folderName As String
count = 3
With Sheet1
'Delete the old record in Sheet1
'Set header of record
.Range("A" & count).Value = "Matched"
.Range("B" & count).Value = "Replaced"
.Range("C" & count).Value = "Connection"
.Range("D" & count).Value = "File Path"
'Set format & style
.Range("A:C").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
'Set the folder name to a variable
folderName = ActiveWorkbook.Path
'Set the reference to the FSO Library
Set FSOLibrary = New FileSystemObject
'Another Macro must call LoopAllSubFolders Macro to start
LoopAllSubFolders FSOLibrary.GetFolder(folderName)
MsgBox ("Finished!")
End Sub
'Copied Source from https://exceloffthegrid.com/vba-code-loop-files-folder-sub-folders/
Sub LoopAllSubFolders(FSOFolder As Object)
Dim FSOSubFolder As Object
Dim FSOFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'For each subfolder call the macro
For Each FSOSubFolder In FSOFolder.SubFolders
LoopAllSubFolders FSOSubFolder
'For each file, print the name
For Each FSOFile In FSOFolder.Files
'Insert the actions to be performed on each file
'This example will print the full file path to the immediate window
Dim ext As String
ext = fso.GetExtensionName(FSOFile.Path)
'Match extension with the excel file
'Skip for hidden excel file -> Left(FSOFile.Name, 1) <> "~"
If (ext = "xlsm" Or ext = "xlsx" Or ext = "xls") And Left(FSOFile.Name, 1) <> "~" Then
'Call function and pass excel filename with path
connStrReplacer (FSOFile.Path)
End If
End Sub
Sub connStrReplacer(fileName As String)
Dim newWB, actWB As Workbook
Dim conn As WorkbookConnection
Dim targetName, cvtTo As String
Dim cvtFrom, status As Variant
'The name in the connection string
targetName = "ServerName"
'Matching the list of value for the target name
cvtFrom = Array("HFBE-DC01-SVR.1583", "")
'Replace to this value if the value is matched with above list
cvtTo = "HFBE-GSS01-VM.1583"
'declare Active Workbook
Set actWB = ActiveWorkbook
'Skip if is same excel with the current excel
If fileName = (actWB.Path & "\" & actWB.Name) Then Exit Sub
'Record the result to Sheet1
count = count + 1
With Sheet1
.Range("A" & count).Value = "?"
.Range("B" & count).Value = "?"
.Range("C" & count).Value = "?"
.Range("D" & count).Value = fileName
End With
With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With
'Skip if cannot open excel (Exp: excel is protected)
On Error Resume Next
'Open file if is an excel file
Set newWB = Workbooks.Open(fileName, False, False, , "")
On Error GoTo 0
'newWB is empty mean cannot open excel
If IsEmpty(newWB) Then
status = Array("Cannot Open Excel", "", "")
Dim countConn, countRplc, countMatch As Integer
countConn = 0
countRplc = 0
countMatch = 0
'Loop for all connection in the opened workbook
For Each conn In newWB.Connections
'Check connection type if is Database Query
If conn.Type = 2 Then
countConn = countConn + 1
With conn.ODBCConnection
Dim newConStr As String
Dim conStr, item, item2 As Variant
Dim matched As Boolean
newConStr = ""
matched = False
'Split the connection to each part
conStr = Split(.Connection, ";")
For Each item In conStr
'Do nothing if item is nothing
If item = "" Then
'Check connection string if has no " = " sign
ElseIf InStr(item, " = ") = 0 Then
'Setting back the value to New Connection String
newConStr = newConStr & item & ";"
Dim text As Variant
Dim newStr As String
'Setting default value
newStr = item & ";"
'Split if " = " is found
text = Split(item, " = ")
'Matching the value name with the target name
If text(0) = targetName Then
countMatch = countMatch + 1
'Matching the value with the value list
For Each item2 In cvtFrom
'If matched then replace with new value
If text(1) = item2 Then
newStr = targetName & " = " & cvtTo & ";"
matched = True
End If
End If
'Set the string part into the new connection string
newConStr = newConStr & newStr
End If
If matched Then
Dim dflt As Boolean
dflt = .EnableRefresh
.EnableRefresh = True
'Replace the old connection string to new
.Connection = newConStr
.EnableRefresh = dflt
countRplc = countRplc + 1
End If
End With
End If
Next conn
If countConn = 0 Then
status = Array("0", "0", "0")
status = Array(countMatch, countRplc, countConn)
End If
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End If
With Application
.Calculation = xlAutomatic
.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
.DisplayAlerts = True
End With
With Sheet1
.Range("A" & count).Value2 = status(0)
.Range("B" & count).Value2 = status(1)
.Range("C" & count).Value2 = status(2)
.Range("D" & count).Select
End With
End Sub
FWIW. Если OP хочет написать приложение Visual Studio, то это VB.net, а не VBA. Поскольку OP также пометил его как C#, я бы предположил, что OP хочет приложение VS. В противном случае ваш код в порядке, если OP доволен использованием модуля Excel.