После создания приведенного ниже минимального рабочего примера я попытался изменить цвет узлов на графиках в зависимости от пользовательского ввода. В частности, у меня есть n
списки цветов (один цвет на узел), и я хотел бы, чтобы пользователь мог циклически (в идеале вперед и назад) просматривать списки цветов узла. (По сути, я показываю возбуждение нейронов с помощью цвета).
"""Generates a graph in dash."""
import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
import networkx as nx
import plotly.graph_objs as go
# Create graph G
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_nodes_from([0, 1, 2])
(0, 1),
(0, 2),
# Create a x,y position for each node
pos = {
0: [0, 0],
1: [1, 2],
2: [2, 0],
# Set the position attribute with the created positions.
for node in G.nodes:
G.nodes[node]["pos"] = list(pos[node])
# add color to node points
colour_set_I = ["rgb(31, 119, 180)", "rgb(255, 127, 14)", "rgb(44, 160, 44)"]
colour_set_II = ["rgb(10, 20, 30)", "rgb(255, 255, 0)", "rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
# Create nodes
node_trace = go.Scatter(
mode = "markers",
hoverinfo = "text",
marker=dict(size=30, color=colour_set_I),
for node in G.nodes():
x, y = G.nodes[node]["pos"]
node_trace["x"] += tuple([x])
node_trace["y"] += tuple([y])
# Create Edges
edge_trace = go.Scatter(
line=dict(width=0.5, color = "#888"),
hoverinfo = "none",
mode = "lines",
for edge in G.edges():
x0, y0 = G.nodes[edge[0]]["pos"]
x1, y1 = G.nodes[edge[1]]["pos"]
edge_trace["x"] += tuple([x0, x1, None])
edge_trace["y"] += tuple([y0, y1, None])
################### START OF DASH APP ###################
app = dash.Dash()
fig = go.Figure(
data=[edge_trace, node_trace],
xaxis=dict(showgrid=True, zeroline=True, showticklabels=True),
yaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False),
app.layout = html.Div(
html.Div(dcc.Graph(id = "Graph", figure=fig)),
if __name__ == "__main__":
Когда вы сохраните это как graph.py
и запустите с помощью: python graph.py
, вы можете открыть браузер, перейти на и увидеть:
Для colour_set_I
Для colour_set_II
Как я могу получить ползунок, например. от 0
до n
или кнопки next>
и back<
, которые загружают следующий/предыдущий список цветов в узлы?
Я заметил, когда меняю строку файла graph.py
marker=dict(size=30, color=colour_set_I),
marker=dict(size=30, color=colour_set_II),
он автоматически обновляет цвета узлов, однако ввод индекса кадра в набор цветов и нажатие ctrl+s
несколько сложно, хотя мне очень нравится управлять клавиатурой при нажатии.
Вы можете использовать компонент dash_core_components.Slider, чтобы добавить ползунок в свое приложение, который позволяет пользователю изменять цвет узлов. Вам нужно будет добавить функцию обратного вызова, которая обновляет цвет маркера на основе значения ползунка, и использовать состояние переменная для отслеживания текущего отображаемого набора цветов.
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
app = dash.Dash(__name__)
# State variable to keep track of current color set
color_set_index = 0
color_sets = [colour_set_I, colour_set_II]
app.layout = html.Div(
max=len(color_sets) - 1,
marks = {i: str(i) for i in range(len(color_sets))},
html.Div(dcc.Graph(id = "Graph", figure=fig))
Output("Graph", "figure"),
[Input("color-set-slider", "value")]
def update_color(color_set_index):
fig.data[1]["marker"]["color"] = color_sets[color_set_index]
return fig
if __name__ == "__main__":
Вот пример, который также обновляет цвета направленных ребер для ориентированного графа. Обратите внимание, что он использует аннотации в виде стрелок вместо реальных линий.
"""Generates a graph in dash."""
from typing import List, Tuple
import dash
import networkx as nx
import plotly
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from dash import dcc, html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
# Create graph G
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_nodes_from([0, 1, 2])
(0, 1),
(0, 2),
# Create a x,y position for each node
pos = {
0: [0, 0],
1: [1, 2],
2: [2, 0],
# Set the position attribute with the created positions.
for node in G.nodes:
G.nodes[node]["pos"] = list(pos[node])
# add color to node points
colour_set_I = ["rgb(31, 119, 180)", "rgb(255, 127, 14)", "rgb(44, 160, 44)"]
colour_set_II = ["rgb(10, 20, 30)", "rgb(255, 255, 0)", "rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
# Create edge colour lists.
# TODO: make edge colour function of edges
def set_edge_colours() -> List[List[str]]:
"""(Manually) set edge colours into list."""
hardcoded_edge_colours = [
"rgb(31, 119, 180)", # edge(0,1)
"rgb(255, 127, 14)", # edge(0,2)
"rgb(10, 20, 30)", # edge(0,1)
"rgb(255, 255, 0)", # edge(0,2)
return hardcoded_edge_colours
def get_edge_colour(
t: int, edge: Tuple[int, int], edge_colours: List[List[str]]
) -> str:
"""Returns an edge colour based on edge
TODO: support duplicate edges between nodes."""
if edge == (0, 1):
return edge_colours[t][0]
if edge == (0, 2):
return edge_colours[t][1]
raise ValueError(f"Error, edge{edge} not found.")
# Load edge colour list.
edge_colours: List[List[str]] = set_edge_colours()
# Create nodes
node_trace = go.Scatter(
mode = "markers",
hoverinfo = "text",
marker=dict(size=30, color=colour_set_I),
for node in G.nodes():
x, y = G.nodes[node]["pos"]
node_trace["x"] += tuple([x])
node_trace["y"] += tuple([y])
# Create figure
fig = go.Figure(
# data=[edge_trace, node_trace],
height=700, # height of image in pixels.
width=1000, # Width of image in pixels.
ax=G.nodes[edge[0]]["pos"][0], # starting x.
ay=G.nodes[edge[0]]["pos"][1], # starting y.
axref = "x",
ayref = "y",
x=G.nodes[edge[1]]["pos"][0], # ending x.
y=G.nodes[edge[1]]["pos"][1], # ending y.
xref = "x",
yref = "y",
arrowwidth=5, # Width of arrow.
arrowcolor = "red", # Overwrite in update/using user input.
arrowsize=0.8, # (1 gives head 3 times as wide as arrow line)
arrowhead=1, # the arrowshape (index).
bordercolor = "red"
hovertext = "sometext",
text = "sometext",
# textangle=-45,
# xanchor='center',
# xanchor='right',
# swag=120,
for edge in G.edges()
# Start Dash app.
app = dash.Dash(__name__)
@app.callback(Output("Graph", "figure"), [Input("color-set-slider", "value")])
def update_color(color_set_index: int) -> go.Figure:
"""Updates the colour of the nodes and edges based on user input."""
# Update the annotation colour.
def annotation_colour(
some_val: int,
edge_colours: List[List[str]],
edge: Tuple[int, int],
) -> str:
"""Updates the colour of the edges based on user input."""
return get_edge_colour(
t=some_val, edge=edge, edge_colours=edge_colours
# Overwrite annotation with function instead of value.
for i, edge in enumerate(G.edges()):
some_annotation_colour = annotation_colour(
color_set_index, edge_colours=edge_colours, edge=edge
print(f"edge = {edge}")
print(f"some_annotation_colour = {some_annotation_colour}")
fig.layout.annotations[i].arrowcolor = some_annotation_colour
# update the node colour
fig.data[0]["marker"]["color"] = color_sets[color_set_index] # nodes
return fig
# State variable to keep track of current color set
initial_color_set_index = 0
color_sets = [colour_set_I, colour_set_II]
fig = update_color(initial_color_set_index)
app.layout = html.Div(
id = "color-set-slider",
max=len(color_sets) - 1,
marks = {i: str(i) for i in range(len(color_sets))},
html.Div(dcc.Graph(id = "Graph", figure=fig)),
if __name__ == "__main__":
А вот более сложный пример, который позволяет использовать повернутые метки ребер даже после растяжения изображения, а также рекурсивные ребра с метками (оба ребра обновляются на основе выбора пользователя):
"""Generates a graph in dash."""
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
import dash
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import plotly
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from dash import dcc, html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
pixel_width = 1000
pixel_height = 1000
recursive_edge_radius = 0.1
# Create graph G
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_nodes_from([0, 1, 2])
(0, 1),
(0, 2),
# Create a x,y position for each node
pos = {
0: [0, 0],
1: [1, 2],
2: [2, 0],
# Set the position attribute with the created positions.
for node in G.nodes:
G.nodes[node]["pos"] = list(pos[node])
# add color to node points
colour_set_I = ["rgb(31, 119, 180)", "rgb(255, 127, 14)", "rgb(44, 160, 44)"]
colour_set_II = ["rgb(10, 20, 30)", "rgb(255, 255, 0)", "rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
# Create edge colour lists.
# TODO: make edge colour function of edges
def set_edge_colours() -> List[List[str]]:
"""(Manually) set edge colours into list."""
hardcoded_edge_colours = [
"rgb(31, 119, 180)", # edge(0,1)
"rgb(255, 127, 14)", # edge(0,2)
"rgb(10, 20, 30)", # edge(0,1)
"rgb(255, 255, 0)", # edge(0,2)
return hardcoded_edge_colours
def get_edge_colour(
t: int,
edge: Tuple[int, int],
edge_colours: List[List[str]], # pylint: disable = W0621
) -> str:
"""Returns an edge colour based on edge
TODO: support duplicate edges between nodes."""
if edge == (0, 1):
return edge_colours[t][0]
if edge == (0, 2):
return edge_colours[t][1]
raise ValueError(f"Error, edge{edge} not found.")
# pylint: disable = W0621
def get_edge_arrows(G: nx.DiGraph) -> List[Dict]:
"""Returns the annotation dictionaries representing the directed edge
annotations: List[Dict] = []
for edge in G.edges:
# Get coordinates
left_node_name = edge[0]
right_node_name = edge[1]
left_x = G.nodes[left_node_name]["pos"][0]
left_y = G.nodes[left_node_name]["pos"][1]
right_x = G.nodes[right_node_name]["pos"][0]
right_y = G.nodes[right_node_name]["pos"][1]
# Add annotation.
axref = "x",
ayref = "y",
xref = "x",
yref = "y",
arrowwidth=5, # Width of arrow.
arrowcolor = "red", # Overwrite in update/using user input.
arrowsize=0.8, # (1 gives head 3 times as wide as arrow line)
arrowhead=1, # the arrowshape (index).
bordercolor = "red"
hovertext = "sometext",
text = "sometext",
# textangle=-45,
# xanchor='center',
# xanchor='right',
# swag=120,
return annotations
# pylint: disable = W0621
def get_edge_labels(G: nx.DiGraph) -> List[Dict]:
"""Returns the annotation dictionaries representing the labels of the
directed edge arrows."""
annotations = []
for edge in G.edges:
mid_x, mid_y = get_edge_mid_point(edge)
xref = "x",
yref = "y",
text = "dict Text",
align = "center",
yanchor = "bottom",
edge, pixel_height=pixel_height, pixel_width=pixel_width
return annotations
# pylint: disable = W0621
def get_recursive_edge_labels(G: nx.DiGraph, radius: float) -> List[Dict]:
"""Returns the annotation dictionaries representing the labels of the
recursive edge circles above the nodes. Note, only place 1 radius above
pos, because recursive edge circles are.
actually ovals with height: radius, width:2 * radius.
annotations = []
for node in G.nodes:
x, y = G.nodes[node]["pos"]
y=y + 1 * radius,
xref = "x",
yref = "y",
text = "recur",
align = "center",
yanchor = "bottom",
return annotations
def get_edge_mid_point(
edge: Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]]
) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Returns the mid point of an edge."""
left_node_name = edge[0]
right_node_name = edge[1]
left_x = G.nodes[left_node_name]["pos"][0]
left_y = G.nodes[left_node_name]["pos"][1]
right_x = G.nodes[right_node_name]["pos"][0]
right_y = G.nodes[right_node_name]["pos"][1]
mid_x = (right_x + left_x) / 2
mid_y = (right_y + left_y) / 2
return mid_x, mid_y
def get_stretched_edge_angle(
edge: Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]],
pixel_height: int,
pixel_width: int,
) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Returns the ccw+ mid point of an edge and adjusts for stretching of the
left_node_name = edge[0]
right_node_name = edge[1]
left_x = G.nodes[left_node_name]["pos"][0]
left_y = G.nodes[left_node_name]["pos"][1]
right_x = G.nodes[right_node_name]["pos"][0]
right_y = G.nodes[right_node_name]["pos"][1]
dx = (right_x - left_x) * (
1 - ((pixel_height - pixel_width) / pixel_height)
# dx =
dy = right_y - left_y
angle = np.arctan2(dy, dx)
# return -np.rad2deg((angle) % (2 * np.pi))
return -np.rad2deg(angle)
def get_pure_edge_angle(
edge: Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]]
) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Returns the ccw+ mid point of an edge."""
left_node_name = edge[0]
right_node_name = edge[1]
left_x = G.nodes[left_node_name]["pos"][0]
left_y = G.nodes[left_node_name]["pos"][1]
right_x = G.nodes[right_node_name]["pos"][0]
right_y = G.nodes[right_node_name]["pos"][1]
dx = right_x - left_x
dy = right_y - left_y
angle = np.arctan2(dy, dx)
# return -np.rad2deg((angle) % (2 * np.pi))
return -np.rad2deg(angle)
def get_annotations(G: nx.DiGraph) -> List[Dict]:
"""Returns the annotations for this graph."""
annotations = []
get_recursive_edge_labels(G, radius=recursive_edge_radius)
return annotations
def add_recursive_edges(G: nx.DiGraph, fig: go.Figure, radius: float) -> None:
"""Adds a circle, representing a recursive edge, above a node.
The circle line/edge colour is updated along with the node colour.
for node in G.nodes:
x, y = G.nodes[node]["pos"]
# Add circles
type = "circle",
xref = "x",
yref = "y",
x0=x - radius,
x1=x + radius,
y1=y + radius,
# Load edge colour list.
edge_colours: List[List[str]] = set_edge_colours()
# Create nodes
node_trace = go.Scatter(
mode = "markers",
hoverinfo = "text",
marker=dict(size=30, color=colour_set_I),
for node in G.nodes():
x, y = G.nodes[node]["pos"]
node_trace["x"] += tuple([x])
node_trace["y"] += tuple([y])
# Create figure
fig = go.Figure(
# data=[edge_trace, node_trace],
height=pixel_height, # height of image in pixels.
width=pixel_width, # Width of image in pixels.
add_recursive_edges(G=G, fig=fig, radius=recursive_edge_radius)
# Start Dash app.
app = dash.Dash(__name__)
@app.callback(Output("Graph", "figure"), [Input("color-set-slider", "value")])
def update_color(color_set_index: int) -> go.Figure:
"""Updates the colour of the nodes and edges based on user input."""
# Update the annotation colour.
def annotation_colour(
some_val: int,
edge_colours: List[List[str]],
edge: Tuple[int, int],
) -> str:
"""Updates the colour of the edges based on user input."""
return get_edge_colour(
t=some_val, edge=edge, edge_colours=edge_colours
# Overwrite annotation with function instead of value.
for i, edge in enumerate(G.edges()):
some_annotation_colour = annotation_colour(
color_set_index, edge_colours=edge_colours, edge=edge
fig.layout.annotations[i].arrowcolor = some_annotation_colour
# Update the node colour.
fig.data[0]["marker"]["color"] = color_sets[color_set_index] # nodes
# Update the recursive edge node colour.
for node_name in G.nodes:
fig.layout.shapes[node_name]["line"]["color"] = color_sets[
return fig
# State variable to keep track of current color set
initial_color_set_index = 0
color_sets = [colour_set_I, colour_set_II]
fig = update_color(initial_color_set_index)
app.layout = html.Div(
id = "color-set-slider",
max=len(color_sets) - 1,
marks = {i: str(i) for i in range(len(color_sets))},
html.Div(dcc.Graph(id = "Graph", figure=fig)),
if __name__ == "__main__":
Спасибо за ваше объяснение и полный ответ, я проверил это, и как только я смогу предоставить вам бонус, я это сделаю (проходит несколько часов, прежде чем он будет разблокирован). Для полноты я добавил MWE, который также устанавливает (направленные) цвета края. Я еще не понял, как делать рекурсивные/круглые ребра, но это уже другой вопрос.