Чтобы иметь возможность генерировать флажки, мне нужно преобразовать pandas DataFrame в формат JSON.
Во-первых, у меня есть фрейм данных pandas:
В ролях | заглавие | тип |
Дэниел Крейг | Падение неба | Фильм |
Ахмед Бакаре | Плохие привычки | Клип |
Леонардо Дикаприо | Титаник | Фильм |
Джуди Денч | Падение неба | Фильм |
Кейт Уинслет | Титаник | Фильм |
Эмили Ратаковски | Размытые линии | Клип |
Эль Эванс | Размытые линии | Клип |
Я хотел бы преобразовать его так же, как формат ниже:
"Movie": {
"label": "Movie",
"children": {
"Sky Fall": {
"label": "Sky Fall",
"children": {
"Daniel Craig": {
"label": "Daniel Craig"
"Judi Dench": {
"label": "Judi Dench"
"Titanic": {
"label": "Titanic",
"children": {
"Leonardo Dicaprio": {
"label": "Leonardo Dicaprio"
"Kate Winslet": {
"label": "Kate Winslet"
"Music Video": {
"label": "Music Video",
"children": {
"Bad Habits": {
"label": "Bad Habits",
"children": {
"Ahmed Bakare": {
"label": "Ahmed Bakare"
"Blurred Lines": {
"label": "Blurred Lines",
"children": {
"Emily Ratajkowski": {
"label": "Emily Ratajkowski"
"Elle Evans": {
"label": "Elle Evans"
Мой текущий подход:
menu = []
groupDict = df.groupby('type').apply(lambda g: g.drop('type', axis=1).to_dict(orient='records')).to_dict()
for key, value in groupDict.items():
Однако результат не приходит, как я ожидал.
[{'type': 'Movie',
'children': "[{'cast': 'Daniel Craig', 'title': 'Sky Fall'}, {'cast': 'Leonardo Dicaprio', 'title': 'Titanic'}, {'cast': 'Judi Dench', 'title': 'Sky Fall'}, {'cast': 'Kate Winslet', 'title': 'Titanic'}]"},
{'type': 'Music Video',
'children': "[{'cast': 'Ahmed Bakare', 'title': 'Bad Habits'}, {'cast': 'Emily Ratajkowski', 'title': 'Blurred Lines'}, {'cast': 'Elle Evans', 'title': 'Blurred Lines'}]"}]
Я сделал небольшую модификацию из этого поста: https://stackoverflow.com/a/43765794/19042045
Он принимает входные данные csv, поэтому вы можете легко преобразовать его из фрейма данных в csv.
type,title ,cast
Movie,Sky Fall ,Daniel Craig
Music Video,Bad Habits ,Ahmed Bakare
Movie,Titanic ,Leonardo Dicaprio
Movie,Sky Fall ,Judi Dench
Movie,Titanic ,Kate Winslet
Music Video,Blurred Lines ,Emily Ratajkowski
Music Video,Blurred Lines ,Elle Evans
import csv
from collections import defaultdict
def ctree():
""" One of the python gems. Making possible to have dynamic tree structure.
return defaultdict(ctree)
def build_leaf(name, leaf):
""" Recursive function to build desired custom tree structure
res = {"label": name}
# add children node if the leaf actually has any children
if len(leaf.keys()) > 0:
res["children"] = {k:build_leaf(k, v) for k, v in leaf.items()}
return res
def main():
""" The main thread composed from two parts.
First it's parsing the csv file and builds a tree hierarchy from it.
Second it's recursively iterating over the tree and building custom
json-like structure (via dict).
And the last part is just printing the result.
tree = ctree()
# NOTE: you need to have test.csv file as neighbor to this file
with open('test.csv') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
for rid, row in enumerate(reader):
# skipping first header row. remove this logic if your csv is
# headerless
if rid == 0:
# usage of python magic to construct dynamic tree structure and
# basically grouping csv values under their parents
leaf = tree[row[0]]
for cid in range(1, len(row)):
leaf = leaf[row[cid]]
# building a custom tree structure
res = {}
for name, leaf in tree.items():
res[name] = build_leaf(name, leaf)
# printing results into the terminal
import json
print(json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
# so let's roll
python test.py
"Movie": {
"children": {
"Sky Fall ": {
"children": {
"Daniel Craig ": {
"label": "Daniel Craig "
"Judi Dench ": {
"label": "Judi Dench "
"label": "Sky Fall "
"Titanic ": {
"children": {
"Kate Winslet ": {
"label": "Kate Winslet "
"Leonardo Dicaprio ": {
"label": "Leonardo Dicaprio "
"label": "Titanic "
"label": "Movie"
"Music Video": {
"children": {
"Bad Habits ": {
"children": {
"Ahmed Bakare ": {
"label": "Ahmed Bakare "
"label": "Bad Habits "
"Blurred Lines ": {
"children": {
"Elle Evans": {
"label": "Elle Evans"
"Emily Ratajkowski ": {
"label": "Emily Ratajkowski "
"label": "Blurred Lines "
"label": "Music Video"
Привет, Нео, большое спасибо за помощь. Есть ли способ сделать это без записи файла csv?